How We Worship
Worship is the central act of the church's life. It is the action of acknowledging God's praiseworthiness and glory. We acknowledge God's presence with us through singing, praying, through the sacraments, giving gifts, and attending to a message from the Bible.
Worship celebrates God's greatness and faithfulness to God's beloved creation. Worship enables us to articulate our faith and to put it into practice by celebrating God-with-us in word, song, and responsive action.
Reformed congregations share a commitment to sound preaching, Christian education for people of all ages, and loving spiritual care and guidance. The worship at NBRC follows the RCA liturgy, blending traditional and contemporary forms of expression:
Reformed Church worship is corporate.
Worship is not a performance with the minister as actor or actress and the congregation as the audience. The Word of God and the real presence of Christ Among Us through the Holy Spirit is our focus, and the whole congregation is involved in the service-- in prayer, song, and offering.
Reformed Church worship is sacramental.
When we celebrate the sacraments of baptism and the Lord's Supper, God's Presence is known to us through all of our senses. We hear God's promise of forgiveness; we see and hear the water of baptism that cleanses; we touch and smell and taste the communion elements that signify Christ's body and blood.
Worship provides regular opportunities for our faith to be awakened, renewed, and energized. Come; all things are ready, and all of God's people are welcome!
Sunday Worship Begins at 9:30 a.m.
We encourage you to arrive a few moments early
to relax and prepare yourself for worship.
Explore Your Faith!
Worship with us
at the
New Baltimore Reformed Church!
Persons are encouraged to contact the church should there be a need for special accommodations
in order to attend worship or any activity.
The New Baltimore Reformed Church is a community of
Our LOVE challenges us to be a worshipping congregation,
warmly welcoming all people to join us
as we share the Good News of God’s love.
Our FAITH challenges our church family to
reach out to the families in our community
in God’s love.
Our PEACE challenges us to create a place
of belonging for all
and to take God’s peace into the world.
You are Invited:
Sunday Worship at 9:30 am
Pastor Rick arrives at 8:45am
for coffee and fellowship
Fellowship and refreshments following worship
Room for All
New Baltimore Reformed Church is committed to being a place which welcomes everyone to joun in and take part in the life of our church community. We believe that we are ALL created in the image of God, and that God loves variety and diversity, and that we are saved through God's gift of Grace. We welcome all persons regardless of age, race, ethnicity,nationality, history, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, social-economic standing, mental or physical abilities. We each have our story, and we each have gifts to bring to this community to help grow the Kingdom by serving God as wisely and well as we can. Together we share our journey of faith and life. Together, we are better.